Disclaimer of Liability

The information found on this website is not intended to be a replacement for medical treatment of or diagnosis of specific illnesses or disorders. If you suspect you have an illness that requires medical attention, please meet with a licensed medical doctor. We do not treat illness or disorders. The information provided on this website may not meet your unique needs. If you are needing specific medical attention or nutritional counseling, please seek individual advice from a medical professional such as your primary care physician or a registered dietitian. At Kaycie Rose Nutrition, we focus on wellbeing and illness prevention through medical nutrition therapy. You can contact me (kaycie@kaycierosenutrition.com) if you are interested in working together for your individual needs. I am available for consult both virtually and in-person in St. Paul, Minnesota.

Content found on this website is my own, unless otherwise specified. Please do not copy, distribute, or share content provided on this site without giving credit to the source.



Privacy Policy

Your privacy is important to us.  We will not release any information outside of these purposes and appropriate requests. Kaycie Lindeman RDN at Kaycie Rose Nutrition is authorized to release information regarding your outpatient care to other parties including: insurance companies, claims processors, primary care physicians, other members of treatment teams, and caregivers. This information may be requested for the purposes of continuing care, billing, and patient health. The disclosed information may include all or part of your medical record. If you have any questions or concerns, please email kaycie@kaycierosenutrition.com.